

Welcome and thank you for your interest in our Request for Quotation (RFQ). We are a Los Angeles based surveying company committed to providing high-quality surveys and reports to our customers. As part of our commitment to excellence and food safety, we are seeking professional inspection and quality control services for our weekly shipments of Organic Costa Rican Pineapples.

Our operations are based in Oxnard, near the Port or Hueneme, and we will require weekly inspections of the Costa Rican Pineapples including photographs and detailed documentation of qualitative and quantitative variables of the commodity.

In order to maintain the highest standards of quality and ensure the utmost satisfaction of our customers, we require detailed and rigorous inspection, testing, and documentation of each shipment. This RFQ aims to find a qualified service provider capable of conducting comprehensive quality control assessments, including visual inspections, quantitative measurements, and thorough reporting on the condition of our pineapples upon arrival.

We look forward to receiving your proposals and forging a partnership that upholds our commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.

Project Description

Overview of Weekly Shipments

Our client is set to receive weekly shipments of Organic Costa Rican Pineapples, a product celebrated not only for its exceptional taste and quality but also for its adherence to organic farming practices. These shipments are a crucial part of our inventory, serving a wide range of customers who demand the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

Each shipment consists of 20 to 21 pallets, totaling around 1,650 to 1,700 cartons of pineapples, with each pallet carrying roughly 80 cartons. To cater to various market demands and preferences, the shipments will include pineapples of three different sizes: 6, 7, and 8. While the majority of pallets will contain pineapples of a single size, there may be 1 or 2 pallets of mixed-size fruits per shipment to adjust for market availability and demand.

Need for Inspection, Testing, and Photography

The nature of organic produce, coupled with the logistical complexities of international shipping, presents unique challenges in maintaining product quality from farm to table. To ensure that our Organic Costa Rican Pineapples meet and exceed our standards as well as regulatory requirements, it is imperative to conduct thorough inspection, testing, and documentation of each shipment.

Inspection and Testing: The inspection and testing process will assess both qualitative and quantitative attributes of the pineapples. Qualitative assessments will include examining the external and internal appearance of the fruit for any signs of bruising, scarring, mold, or other defects that could affect the fruit’s marketability and consumer appeal. Quantitative measurements will include box weights, pulp temperatures, and brix readings (sugar content) of the fruit’s juice, ensuring the pineapples are within optimal ripeness and quality parameters.

Photography: Photographic documentation is essential for maintaining a visual record of the fruit’s condition upon arrival. This will include high-resolution images capturing the external condition of the fruit, as well as any notable issues identified during the qualitative assessment. These photographs will serve as a critical tool for quality control, providing a baseline for future shipments and aiding in any necessary quality disputes with suppliers.

This comprehensive approach to inspecting, testing, and documenting our Organic Costa Rican Pineapple shipments is designed to uphold our commitment to quality, ensuring that only the finest, freshest, and most delicious pineapples reach our customers. By implementing these measures, we aim to not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients, ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of our partnership with our valued suppliers and customers.

Scope of Work

Inspection and Testing

The selected service provider will be responsible for conducting comprehensive inspections and tests on each shipment of Organic Costa Rican Pineapples to assess both their external and internal quality. This includes:

  • External Condition Inspection: Examine the pineapples for uniformity in shell color, indicative of ripeness and health. Check for any external defects such as bruising, scarring, or other damages that could compromise the fruit’s integrity and market value.
  • Internal Condition Inspection: Selected pineapples from each shipment must be cut open to inspect the internal color and condition. Look for any signs of over-ripeness, under-ripeness, internal bruising, or mold. This is crucial for assessing the overall quality and ensuring the fruit meets safety standards.
  • Defects and Disease Screening: Vigilantly screen for signs of mold and other diseases, as well as physical defects that could affect the fruit’s edibility and safety. Immediate documentation and reporting of such findings are required to take corrective actions.


  • Photographic Documentation: Capture high-resolution photographs of the pineapples upon arrival. This includes photographs of the fruit’s external condition and detailed shots of any defects or issues identified during the inspection process.
  • Internal Condition Photography: For pineapples inspected internally, provide photographs of the cut fruit to document the internal condition and any discrepancies noted.
  • Photographic Records: All photographs should be labeled and organized by shipment date, pallet number, and condition type for easy reference and record-keeping.

Quantitative Measurements

  • Box Weights: Weigh each box to ensure consistency and compliance with shipping and product specifications.
  • Pulp Temperatures: Measure the pulp temperature of a subset of pineapples from different pallets upon arrival to ensure they are within the acceptable temperature range, indicating proper storage and transport conditions.
  • Brix Readings: Conduct brix readings of the pineapple juice to assess sugar content, an indicator of ripeness and flavor quality.
  • Temperature Recorder Data: Collect and download data from temperature recorders in each shipment to verify that the pineapples were transported under optimal conditions.
  • Verification of Quantities and Pallet/Container Numbers: Ensure the shipment’s quantity matches the manifest details, and verify the accuracy of pallet and container numbers.


  • Weekly QC Reports: Provide comprehensive weekly Quality Control (QC) reports that include findings from the inspections, test results, photographic evidence, and any recommendations for addressing issues identified.
  • Report Format: Reports should be submitted in a clear, organized format, preferably in XLS or an easily accessible digital format, including summaries of key findings, detailed analyses, and annexes of photographic evidence. We will provide the Excel template to record data.
  • Frequency and Timing: Reports must be submitted within 24 hours of completing each shipment’s inspection and testing to allow timely feedback and action.
  • Data Management: Maintain a secure, accessible database of all reports, photographs, and test results for each shipment for at least one year, ensuring compliance with quality control, traceability, and regulatory requirements.

Submission Requirements

Company Information

Bidders must provide a comprehensive overview of their company, including but not limited to:

  • The number of years in operation, highlighting the company’s stability and market presence.
  • Detailed experience with similar projects, specifically in the inspection, testing, and quality control of agricultural products or similar commodities.
  • Qualifications of the team, including any certifications relevant to food safety, quality control, and inspection services.


Proposals must include a detailed description of the methodology to be employed for:

  • Inspecting and testing the Organic Costa Rican Pineapples, including both qualitative and quantitative assessments.
  • Photographing the shipments to document condition upon arrival.
  • Preparing and submitting weekly QC reports. This section should clearly articulate the approach to ensure thorough and efficient execution of the scope of work.


Bidders are required to provide detailed pricing information, broken down by:

  • Inspection services.
  • Testing services.
  • Photography documentation.
  • Compilation and submission of reports. Include any volume discounts, additional fees, or cost considerations. Pricing should be presented in a clear format, allowing for easy comparison of service components.


Submit an estimated timeline for mobilization and commencement of services upon contract award. This should include any preparatory work, setup, and the timeframe for the first inspection.

Reference Reports

Provide at least one report you have done for the same (or similar) commodity. You may redact sensitive information such as client names and locations if necessary.

Evaluation Criteria

Experience and Expertise

  • The bidder’s experience with similar projects, particularly in the agricultural sector or food quality control.
  • Expertise in handling organic produce and understanding of relevant food safety standards.

Methodology and Approach

  • The appropriateness, thoroughness, and efficiency of the proposed methodology for inspection, testing, photography, and reporting.
  • Innovative approaches or practices that enhance quality control and project outcomes.


  • Competitiveness of the pricing structure, including the clarity and comprehensiveness of the price breakdown.
  • Value for money, considering the quality and scope of services offered.


  • Ability to mobilize resources and commence services promptly upon contract award.
  • Realistic and efficient timeline for ongoing services.

Reference Report

  • Quality and relevance of the provided report.
  • Comprehensiveness (satisfies our qualitative and quantitative variables) of the report.

Submission Instructions

Deadline for Submission

All proposals must be submitted no later than March 1st, 2024, by 5:00 PM Pacific time. Proposals received after this deadline will not likely be considered.

Format and Method of Submission

Proposals should be submitted using the form below. Please compile all information for required sections, along with relevant documents, prior to starting the form, as it will make the process more timely and efficient.

Contact Information for Questions or Clarifications

For any questions or requests for clarification regarding this RFQ, the form below will have a section for additional information and questions. Alternatively, if you have already submitted your bid/proposal, please contact Jessica Watson at [email protected].


We greatly appreciate your interest in providing inspection and quality control services for our weekly shipments of Organic Costa Rican Pineapples. Your expertise and dedication to ensuring the highest standards of food safety and quality are invaluable to us.

We anticipate making a decision on the contract award within five days following the submission deadline. All bidders will be notified of the outcome by email, and the selected provider will be invited to discuss the contract terms and project initiation.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to collaborate with us. We look forward to reviewing your proposal and potentially working together to ensure the excellence and safety of our produce.

Bid / Proposal Form

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