Comprehensive Analysis of Discrepancies in Bunker Fuel Measurements on Ships: Factors, Implications, and Future Directions

Accurate bunker fuel measurements are crucial for the maritime industry, as they directly impact operational costs, fuel efficiency, and environmental compliance. However, the reliability of these measurements on ships is often compromised due to various factors, leading to significant discrepancies when compared to measurements taken on barges. This comprehensive analysis delves into the multifaceted reasons behind these discrepancies, examining the operational, technical, and environmental aspects that contribute to the problem. The discussion also highlights the implications of historical data variance and computational benchmarking in addressing these issues. By understanding the root causes of bunker fuel measurement discrepancies, the maritime industry can develop targeted strategies to improve accuracy, optimize fuel consumption, and ensure compliance with increasingly stringent environmental regulations.

SFK Inc. | SKK Marine | SFK SecCon. (2021, December 27). Comprehensive Analysis of Discrepancies in Bunker Fuel Measurements on Ships: Factors, Implications, and Future Directions. Retrieved from


Comprehensive Analysis of Discrepancies in Bunker Fuel Measurements on Ships: Factors, Implications, and Future Directions


Accurate bunker fuel measurements are crucial for the maritime industry, as they directly impact operational costs, fuel efficiency, and environmental compliance. However, the reliability of these measurements on ships is often compromised due to various factors, leading to significant discrepancies when compared to measurements taken on barges. This comprehensive analysis delves into the multifaceted reasons behind these discrepancies, examining the operational, technical, and environmental aspects that contribute to the problem. The discussion also highlights the implications of historical data variance and computational benchmarking in addressing these issues. By understanding the root causes of bunker fuel measurement discrepancies, the maritime industry can develop targeted strategies to improve accuracy, optimize fuel consumption, and ensure compliance with increasingly stringent environmental regulations.


Bunker fuel, a term used to describe fuel oil used aboard ships, is a significant operational expense for the maritime industry (Abadie et al., 2017). Accurate measurement of bunker fuel is essential for optimizing fuel consumption, reducing costs, and complying with environmental regulations (Faber et al., 2020). However, discrepancies in bunker fuel measurements between ships and barges have been a persistent challenge, with ship measurements often proving less reliable (Erto et al., 2019). This analysis aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the factors contributing to these discrepancies and discuss the implications for the maritime industry.

Factors Affecting Bunker Measurement Reliability on Ships

Calibration and Maintenance of Measurement Instruments

The accuracy of bunker fuel measurements heavily relies on the proper calibration and maintenance of measurement instruments, such as flow meters and sounding tapes (International Maritime Organization, 2020). However, the demanding operational schedules of ships can lead to infrequent maintenance, resulting in instrument drift and reduced accuracy (Abadie et al., 2017). Regular calibration and maintenance are crucial to ensure the reliability of measurements, but the practical challenges of implementing these practices on ships can contribute to discrepancies (Faber et al., 2020).

Human Error in Measurement Procedures

Manual measurement procedures, such as tank sounding and fuel sampling, are susceptible to human error (Marine Insight, 2021). Inconsistencies in measurement techniques, misreading of gauges, and improper sampling can lead to significant discrepancies in fuel quantity readings (Erto et al., 2019). The variability introduced by human factors can be compounded by the complex and confined spaces in which these measurements are taken on ships (Abadie et al., 2017).

Additionally, human errors can occur when applying corrections for factors such as trim and list. Incorrectly calculating or applying these corrections can result in inaccurate fuel quantity measurements (Faber et al., 2020). Another common human error is transposing innage (sounding) and outage (ullage) reference points when calculating fuel volume by interpolation. Confusing these reference points can lead to significant errors in the calculated volumes (Marine Structures, 2020).

Other sources of human error include misinterpreting or misreporting data, using incorrect conversion factors, and failing to follow standard operating procedures (Erto et al., 2019). These errors can be mitigated through proper training, regular audits of measurement practices, and the use of automated measurement systems that reduce the reliance on manual procedures (Abadie et al., 2017).

Active Bunker Fuel Tanks

When bunker fuel tanks are actively being used for fuel consumption during the measurement process, the dynamic changes in fuel levels can introduce errors in the readings (Abadie et al., 2017). The continuous withdrawal of fuel from the tanks can cause fluctuations in the measured quantities, making it challenging to obtain a stable and accurate measurement (Faber et al., 2020). To minimize this effect, it is recommended to conduct measurements during periods of minimal fuel consumption or to use advanced monitoring systems that can account for the dynamic nature of active tanks (Erto et al., 2019).

Sloshing Effects in Partially Filled Tanks

The dynamic movement of fuel in partially filled tanks, exacerbated by the ship’s motion, can lead to unstable and inaccurate measurements (Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2019). Sloshing effects can cause inconsistencies in fuel level readings, making it challenging to obtain reliable measurements (Faber et al., 2020). This phenomenon is particularly problematic in rough sea conditions, where the ship’s motion is more pronounced (Erto et al., 2019).

Structural Deformations of the Hull

Over time, structural deformations of a ship’s hull due to stress and aging can alter the geometry of fuel tanks (Marine Structures, 2020). These changes can render existing calibration tables inaccurate, leading to measurement errors (Abadie et al., 2017). Regularly updating calibration tables to account for structural changes is essential for maintaining measurement accuracy, but this process can be time-consuming and costly (Faber et al., 2020).

Modifications to Vessel Tanks and Pipelines

Vessels that have undergone modifications to their fuel tanks, pipelines, or other related components may experience measurement discrepancies due to changes in the system’s configuration (Marine Structures, 2020). These modifications can alter the flow characteristics, introduce new dead spaces, or affect the calibration of measurement instruments (Abadie et al., 2017). Ensuring that all modifications are properly documented, and that the measurement systems are recalibrated accordingly, is crucial to maintain the accuracy of bunker fuel measurements (Faber et al., 2020). Regular surveys and inspections of the vessel’s fuel system can help identify any unauthorized or undocumented modifications that may impact measurement reliability (Erto et al., 2019).

Inaccurate Volume-to-Mass Conversion

Converting fuel volume measurements to mass is necessary for accurate fuel consumption monitoring and reporting (Fuel Oil Journal, 2021). However, variations in fuel density due to composition and temperature changes can introduce errors in this conversion process (Erto et al., 2019). Inaccurate density measurements or the use of outdated conversion factors can lead to discrepancies between the reported and actual fuel quantities (Abadie et al., 2017).

Cappuccino Effect

The cappuccino effect, caused by entrained air during fuel transfer, can result in an overestimation of bunker quantities (Bunkerworld, 2022). This phenomenon occurs when air bubbles are mixed with the fuel, creating a frothy appearance that can mislead measurement instruments (Faber et al., 2020). The presence of entrained air can significantly impact the accuracy of fuel measurements, particularly during high-speed bunkering operations (Erto et al., 2019).

Vessel Trim and List

The trim (longitudinal inclination) and list (lateral inclination) of a vessel can significantly affect the accuracy of bunker measurements if not properly accounted for (Maritime Executive, 2021). Inclinations can cause uneven fuel distribution in tanks, leading to inaccurate level readings (Abadie et al., 2017). Correcting for trim and list requires precise measurements and calculations, which can be challenging in dynamic operating conditions (Faber et al., 2020).

Fuel Retention in Onboard Systems

Fuel retention in various components of a ship’s fuel system, such as filters, separators, and pipelines, can contribute to measurement discrepancies (Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery, 2020). The quantity of fuel retained in these components is often not accounted for in standard measurement procedures, leading to an underestimation of the actual fuel onboard (Erto et al., 2019). Accurately quantifying and incorporating fuel retention into measurements requires detailed knowledge of the ship’s fuel system and consistent monitoring practices (Abadie et al., 2017).

Inadequate Venting During Measurement

Proper venting of fuel tanks during measurement is crucial to ensure accurate readings (Lloyd’s Register, 2020). Inadequate venting can lead to pressure differentials between the tank and the atmosphere, affecting the level of fuel in the tank (Faber et al., 2020). This issue is particularly relevant when using manual sounding techniques, as the pressure difference can cause the sounding tape to give an inaccurate reading (Erto et al., 2019).

Cross-Contamination of Fuel Types

The presence of multiple fuel types onboard a ship can lead to cross-contamination if proper segregation and handling procedures are not followed (Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021). Mixing of different fuel types can alter the density and volume of the fuel, causing measurement discrepancies (Abadie et al., 2017). Ensuring proper fuel management and maintaining accurate records of fuel types and quantities is essential to minimize the impact of cross-contamination on measurements (Faber et al., 2020).

Time Delays Between Measurement and Delivery

Delays between the time of bunker fuel delivery and the time of measurement can introduce discrepancies due to fuel settling and temperature changes (International Bunker Industry Association, 2021). As fuel settles in tanks, sediments and water can separate from the fuel, affecting the measured quantity (Erto et al., 2019). Additionally, temperature variations during the delay period can cause fuel volume changes, leading to inconsistencies between the delivered and measured quantities (Abadie et al., 2017).

Inconsistent Bunker Sampling Procedures

Proper fuel sampling is essential for accurate quality and quantity assessments (BIMCO, 2020). However, inconsistencies in sampling procedures, such as incorrect sampling locations, inadequate sample sizes, or improper handling, can lead to unrepresentative samples and inaccurate measurements (Faber et al., 2020). Establishing and adhering to standardized sampling protocols is crucial to ensure the reliability and comparability of bunker fuel measurements (Erto et al., 2019).

Regulatory and Compliance Variations

The maritime industry is subject to a range of international and local regulations governing bunker fuel quality, emissions, and reporting requirements (International Chamber of Shipping, 2021). Variations in these regulations across jurisdictions can lead to inconsistencies in measurement practices and reporting standards (Abadie et al., 2017). Compliance with multiple regulatory frameworks can be challenging for ships operating in different regions, potentially contributing to measurement discrepancies (Faber et al., 2020).

Greater Variability in Ship Systems

Ships, being larger and more complex than barges, have a greater number of variables that can influence fuel measurements (Erto et al., 2019). The intricate network of tanks, pipelines, and fuel management systems on ships introduces more potential points of error compared to the simpler configurations found on barges (Abadie et al., 2017). This inherent variability in ship systems can make it more challenging to achieve consistent and accurate fuel measurements (Faber et al., 2020).

Cargo Loading/Unloading Effects

The loading and unloading of cargo can cause significant shifts in a ship’s fuel, affecting the accuracy of measurements (Erto et al., 2019). As cargo is loaded or discharged, the ship’s trim and list can change, leading to uneven fuel distribution in tanks (Abadie et al., 2017). These dynamic changes in the ship’s condition can introduce errors in fuel level readings and complicate the measurement process (Faber et al., 2020).

Natural Material Changes in Ship Structure

Over the lifespan of a ship, natural material changes, such as warping and conic bottoming of fuel tanks, can occur due to prolonged exposure to stresses and environmental factors (Marine Structures, 2020). These gradual deformations can alter the internal geometry of tanks, rendering existing calibration tables inaccurate (Erto et al., 2019). Regularly updating calibration tables to account for these changes is necessary to maintain measurement accuracy, but it can be a resource-intensive process (Abadie et al., 2017).

Density Mismatches in Fuel Tanks

Loading fuel into a tank that already contains fuel of a different density can lead to stratification and measurement challenges (Fuel Oil Journal, 2021). The layering of fuels with different densities can create an uneven distribution within the tank, making it difficult to obtain a representative sample or accurate level reading (Erto et al., 2019). Proper fuel management practices, such as avoiding commingling of dissimilar fuels and ensuring thorough mixing, can help mitigate the impact of density mismatches on measurements (Abadie et al., 2017).

Historical Data Variance and Computational Benchmarking

Barges, with their frequent delivery operations, have a more extensive historical record of fuel measurements compared to ships (Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022). This rich dataset allows for more accurate computational benchmarking and forecasting of delivered quantities, as the variability in barge measurements can be statistically analyzed and accounted for (Erto et al., 2019). In contrast, ships, which receive fuel less frequently, may lack this robust historical data, making it more challenging to establish reliable measurement benchmarks and identify anomalies (Abadie et al., 2017). The absence of a comprehensive historical dataset for ships can contribute to the perceived discrepancies in bunker fuel measurements (Faber et al., 2020).


The reliability of bunker fuel measurements on ships is influenced by a complex interplay of operational, technical, and environmental factors. From instrument calibration and human error to structural deformations and density mismatches, the challenges in obtaining accurate measurements are multifaceted. The extensive historical data available for barges, owing to their frequent delivery operations, provides a more robust foundation for computational benchmarking and anomaly detection. In contrast, the limited historical data for ships can hinder the establishment of reliable measurement baselines.

Addressing these discrepancies requires a holistic approach that encompasses regular instrument maintenance, standardized measurement procedures, and continuous monitoring of ship systems. Investing in advanced measurement technologies, such as mass flow meters and real-time monitoring systems, can help mitigate the impact of human error and environmental variables. Additionally, the development of industry-wide standards for bunker fuel measurement and reporting can promote consistency and comparability across the maritime sector.

By understanding the root causes of bunker fuel measurement discrepancies and implementing targeted solutions, the maritime industry can improve the accuracy of fuel consumption data, optimize operational efficiency, and ensure compliance with increasingly stringent environmental regulations. Collaborative efforts among ship owners, operators, fuel suppliers, and regulatory bodies will be essential in driving the adoption of best practices and fostering a culture of transparency and accountability in bunker fuel management.


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